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Garden Ants

Image of Garden Ants


These insects are black or dark brown and live in colonies making nests in soil, lawns or under flat stones. The juvenile ants appear as small white grubs. Ants prefer warm, dry conditions.


Small mounds of fine soil in lawns and borders or between paving joints. This tunneling under plants can lead to wilting or even death due to lack of water. Feeds on anything, especially if sweet. These ants often climb into plants and 'milk' (stroke) aphids for their honeydew (they will bite the wings off aphids to prevent them migrating). When an ant finds food, it lays a scent (pheromone) trail to its nest for other workers to follow. In July and August, winged adults emerge for mating migration flights.

What next...

Now you know what the problem is, and the damage it is doing, don't let your plant suffer.

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