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Newby Hall & Harrogate Autumn Flower Show

What could be better than a really good flower show? How about a really good flower show where the entry ticket also gives you the chance to visit the amazing Newby Hall, in glorious North Yorkshire.

The Harrogate Autumn Show is one of two shows each year organised by the North of England Horticultural Society (NEHS). It will run this year from 13-15 September and is set to attract up to 30,000 visitors over the three days. It offers expert garden advice and various competitions as well as vibrant floral displays. The show ground will be filled with plant nurseries, sundries, food and crafts, so it offers everything you could want from a flower show. The NEHS supports and finances the work of specialist societies and groups, providing them with a platform to showcase their knowledge and skills, and many charitable organisations. In 2023, the Autumn event generated a massive £163,000 to support such horticultural works.

Once you have seen the show, the entry ticket leaves you free to explore the floral exhibits inside Newby Hall, a William and Mary house with breathtaking interiors by Robert Adam and furniture by Chippendale. Parts of the house will be recognisable from the many TV shows, such as Peaky Blinders, that have been filmed there.

To round off your visit, make sure you go out into the 25 acres of formal gardens with the National Collection of Cornus, a 100-year-old rock garden and delightful “rooms” each planted with stunning combinations of plants. The double herbaceous borders are a plant fanatic’s delight, devoted entirely to herbaceous species, rather than including shrubs or bulbs. You will go away full of inspired ideas for your own garden.

If you have time after all this, there is a miniature railway to enjoy a short ride along the River Ure at the end of the garden and, for children who need to let off some steam after all this grown-up plant gazing, there is a great play area with a zip wire. Well-behaved parents may like to try this too!

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This story was published on: 21/06/2024

Image attribution: Val Bradley

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